Wiggles - Adopted!
Male - Neutered
Small ~ 4 lbs.
Rex mix
Mr Wiggles is a curious and playful guy! He loves to perch up on his house so he can keep an eye on everything that’s happening around him. He warms up quick to anyone with treats and isn’t shy about giving a thump to let you know you’re moving too slow when you’ve got snacks in your hand.
He has some Rex in him as his fur is shorter and more plush. He would likely enjoy having a bunny friend eventually.
Wiggles will roll a ball back and forth at play time and then flop down by his human for pets when he’s done. He’s a true sweetheart with a lot of personality!
He’s not afraid of small dogs or cats. He has visited with his foster’s through the gate a few times and he came right over to sniff them and say "hey". He’s perfectly potty trained and keeps his house pretty tidy!
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PO Box 141 Washington Mills NY 13479 US